| 1. | The fiscal risk should n ' t be overlooked during the application of the expansionary fiscal policy 扩张性财政政策的运用不能忽视财政风险。 |
| 2. | A country that banks on fast growth , promoted by expansionary fiscal policies , could face some unpleasant surprises 通过扩张性财政政策实现快速增长的国家,有可能会遇到不愉快的意外情形。 |
| 3. | In 2001 , the us got away with an unusually short recession helped by aggressive interest rate cuts and an expansionary fiscal policy 2001年,在积极降息和扩张性财政政策的助推下,美国摆脱了一次异常短暂的经济衰退。 |
| 4. | Equity markets generally welcomed cuts in capital gains tax and on savings , and an expansionary fiscal policy helped cushion the blow after the bursting of the dotcom bubble 股市对资本收益税和储蓄的减少基本持欢迎态度,而扩张型财政政策缓和了网络泡沫破灭的冲击。 |
| 5. | On fiscal policy , dr fischer stressed the importance of running sufficiently conservative policies in normal times to make it possible to use expansionary fiscal policy in recessions 在财政政策方面,博士强调,平时应实施保守的政策,以便一旦经济出现衰退时,可使用扩张性财政政策。 |
| 6. | First , more countries have grown faster following fiscal retrenchment , which has removed uncertainty about the future , than countries that have pursued expansionary fiscal policies 首先,与曾经采用过扩张性财政政策的国家相比,通过财政节支,排除未来的不确定因素,后来实现加速增长的国家为数更多。 |
| 7. | We think that transition ought to start from expansionary fiscal policy to neutral fiscal policy , after brief review to some macro - economic policy which had important influence on the curves 在简要回顾对曲线走势有重要影响的宏观经济政策之后,提出当前应当逐渐由扩张性财政政策向中性的财政政策转变。 |
| 8. | There are some unavoidable disadvantages in the use of fiscal policy and meanwhile , china has used expansionary fiscal policy continuously in the past 3 years . the space left in using fiscal policy solely to intensify policy support is limited 而单一财政调控存在的固有弊端,以及我国连续三年大手笔的财政扩张决定了未来单独依赖财政强化政策支持的空间有限。 |
| 9. | China ' s starting expansionary fiscal policy , which involves issuing a large number of national bonds , constructing infrastructures , reforming enterprises " key techniques and exploiting the western region , has gained unprecedented achievements , including economic and social effects 我国启动积极财政政策,大规模发行国债,进行基础建设投资、企业重点技术改造投资、西部大开发投资,取得了令人瞩目的成果,经济和社会效益显著。 |